Thursday, February 05, 2009

My Enabler, how I love thee!

Before I get into this post, I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who left a comment on the last post. Thank you!!!!! We are so excited. Our first trip to the Dr. was last week and we were surprised with an ultrasound. Seeing the baby moving around and watching its little heartbeat has got to be the most amazing thing I have ever witnessed in my whole life. I am tearing up just thinking about it, but then again, these days I cry at the drop of a hat. LOL, gotta love the hormones. =)

Speaking of crying, I received my 2ND SP package yesterday and , well, I must admit, I shed a few tears of joy.
I had been expecting the mailman to leave the package by the door, so I did not think it had come, but when Adam walked in with the mail he had a large white squishy parcel in his hands.
After confirming it was for me and yes, it was from my secret pal, I ripped it out of his hands, grabbed a pair of scissors to cut off the top, and poured everything out onto the couch. It was all wrapped up in pretty tissue paper too, so my impatience did not spoil the joy of unwrapping each package one by one.

Before we get to the goods, I gotta say that whoever my pal is, she understands me inside and out...well at least in the yarny/fibery way (and is that not the best way??)
Whenever I get the "itch" to buy yarn my go to is always lace weight or sock yarn. I do buy yarn for sweaters and such, but I usually plan that stuff out.
My 1st package from my SP was all about the lace. AWESOME!
This time, it was all about the socks! HEAVEN!

(So again, the pictures are dark. I took these during the day with no flash...hmm maybe I should have used the flash, oh well.... But I live in a hobbit hole in Seattle, so it is either this or wait until until April to post pics. Someday soon I will move and make sure we have lots and lots of windows and light.)

Here is the package, please try not to drool all over your keyboard, it will only make it sticky.

First up, we have some lovely stitch markers from the great girls at Zephyr. Sock themed of course.

2ND, a yarn I have been Eying for a while now, in this specific colorway, but as of yet had not succumbed. And an Awesome sock pattern that even includes baby socks! And this was before she even knew about the bun in the oven!
Yarn: Scarlet Fleece It's Tubular x2 in Poodle Skirt (How I love that name!)

3rd, yet another sock yarn I have not tried yet (and if you got a glimpse of the sock yarn stash you would understand what an accomplishment this is) And another awesome sock pattern I have not seen before..
Yarn: Enchanted Knoll Farm in Blue Jay
And last but not least, in fact I think it is my favorite but it is so hard to choose, is some lovely Dream in Color with an awesome Knitspot pattern called Tesserae
yarn: Dream in Color Smooshy in Happy Forest. Now I own a lot of DIC but I did not have this colorway yet, it's beautiful!
I am absolutely overwhelmed by it all. My pal is totally spoiling me. It's almost too much.
I would say it is too much, but it is nice to have someone "get me" in the yarny way. And I really, really like it.
And to think, there is still one more package to come...I don't know if I can handle it. I almost passed out from all the lovely yarn fumes in this package. I really did look like an addict getting her fix. Adam was laughing at me the whole time 'cuz I was squealing and bouncing up and down and tearing up all at once. He knows how much I love yarn and knitting, but he is still unaware of how deep the addiction is.
Pal, I know I have said this before, and it is not enough, but thank you, thank you, thank you!!!

Wednesday, February 04, 2009

I have got a little something to share with you....

Making its world debut this August:

I think that is enough excitement for one day, don't you?