Now granted, I have not been crazy about all of them. And usually I can tell pretty quickly if it is something I will be into or not. But the thrill of getting that first "clue" is too much for me to pass up. So I will start them, and I have got pretty good about stopping if I lose interest. After all, it's not like I can't reuse the yarn for something else.
So I thought I would share with you some of the projects I have been working on, and some that are coming up in the very near future.
First up is the Mystic Light's Shawl. I am absolutely loving this. It is hard to get a good picture because it is getting too big for my needles, but it is lovely. There is a wonderful cable that gos up the middle of the shawl and also cables along the edges.
I am doing mine with Cherry Tree Hill in the Dusk colorway. This picture shows the shawl with Clue 3 finished. We just got clue 4 yesterday and this clue has patterning on both knit and purl rows....guess what I am going to be working on for the rest of the evening?
The second shawl is Mystery Shawl #8 from Goddess Knits. Here is Clue 1 finished:
(Bad pic, I know. But it is dark out and I did not want to use the flash. Hopefully the future pics will be more blog worthy.)
The yarn is one I have had in my stash for a while and just so happens to be the exact brand that the designer used for hers (although a different color).
It is Alpaca with a twist Fino, an Alpaca and Silk mix..and it is a dream to work with. I am really liking how it looks so far and can't wait to get the 2nd clue on Saturday!
Unfortunately, both of the KAL's above are now closed..but if YOU wanted to catch my disease, there are a few coming up (one starting tomorrow as a matter of fact and another on Saturday)..and I believe sign ups are still open.
The one that starts tomorrow is from a Yahoo group called Mystery Lace. It is free to join! The designer said to pick a white, pastel, or light color..and mentioned a bead option. I love me some beads! This is what I am planning on using:
Now this next one I am REALLY excited about. This is another Mystery from Goddess knits and it is for a Spring shawl. I went all out for this one, check it out:
That would be three skeins of MMMMalibrigo lace and again..BEADS! Saturday is going to be a good day let me tell ya!
And finally, another KAL I am excited about, although there is no fixed start date as of yet. The theme is already known for this one. And after hearing the theme I had to join. Want to know what it is? of my favorite movies.
I chose a white yarn, after all Casablanca means white house. And the beads have a purple base to them but have other colors mixed in with them as well. They look like jewels. And correct me if I am wrong but doesn't Casablanca take place in Morocco or some city that makes you think of rich colors and jewel tones?
Yeah, I am going to have busy fingers..but I am loving every minute of it! I am hoping to have time to work on these and also get crackin on some UFO's/ WIP's.
K, enough blabberin. Time to wind some yarn and get busy on Clue 4!