Right now I am into the 2nd chart and 6th repeat. My plan is to make this in the large shawl version..So I need to get 17 repeats on this chart before I get to move on to the next.
I promised myself I would not start another lace project until I finished this one..Even though I have about 15 projects in mind and I want to cast on for all of them right now!
Do you think I kept that promise?
See, it all started because I joined the Lacevember KAL..And I really wanted to have something done by the end of the month for the KAL..And considering I did not join up until the 18th of the month...I pretty much figured there was no way for me to get the FB finished in that amount of time.
What's a girl to do?
In my case, find a new project.
I had been lurking the Swallowtail KAL for a while..And so I decided it was time for me to make one.
And I did. Funny thing..I actually had the exact yarn in the exact shade sitting in my stash. See it was fate..It had to be done.
Time for the pics! =)
We have all heard of the magic that happens when blocking lace, here is my example of this phenomenon.
This first picture is before blocking..Sorry silly me did not get the exact dimensions..
And a pre-block close up: And now, the after pics.
I love this shawl. It was so fun to make..Kept me interested the entire time.
And it was a fast knit as well. 7 days from start to finish
Nice butt shot huh? I do think it looks nice over the black though...
So specs (what I can remember off the top of my head anyway)
Yarn: Misti Alpaca, 1 ball in the sea mist colorway.
Needles: Knit Picks Options Size 3. (I LOVE these needles, they are awesome!)
Did pattern exactly as directed, except for the nupps. Instead of purling 5 together (yuck!)..I slipped 3 purled 2 and then slipped the slipped stitches off the needle. It looks exactly the same and was so much less of a headache.
Started Nov. 19th and finished Nov. 26th..Oh yeah I was a knitting fiend!
Alas this shawl is not for me...I am going to give it away at my knitting groups holiday gift exchange..I hope they all fight over it. LOL.
But even though I don't get to keep this one..I do have 2 more balls of that yarn in my stash...=)
You knit that in a week?! Holy crap!!! I'm in awe of your amazing knitting... It's beautiful, too! yeah for finished shawls!
Anyways, thank you so much for your suggestions on my blog - I hadn't seen that forest canopy shawl yet and it's beautiful... and I don't think I realized I had enough yarn to knit the print of the wave...
Oh and the Cherry Blossom Shawl was in the spring 2002 interweave knits. I had to order a back issue from them to get the pattern but once I did they had it to me right away.
Wow, Mel. That is gorgeous! I have a little Misti Alpaca lace weight (surprise, surprise) and I think I just found the perfect pattern for it.
Thanks for posting! I miss you and all of the knitters at ESKG. Tell them hello from me.
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