Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Ta Da!

So B and I were finally able to grab a few minutes to get some pictures of Hidcote. Granted some of them are not all that great..And I look pretty frumpy, but it's not about me, it's about the shawl.

Ahhh, so warm and cuddly. =)

Why didn't he say it wasn't centered?

I TOLD you it was big!

Alright already! Stop taking my damn picture!

And I saved the best for last!Payback's a Bitch, aint it B?

In an odd way, it suits him don't you think?


Anonymous said...

This turned out beautiful! I have had to postpone starting but I have the same yarn for mine. It's nice to see how wonderful it will look. BTW, I grew up in Everett and I still miss WA.

Anonymous said...

It is so awesome! And huge! Did you do something to make it bigger or is the pattern that big? I have yet to start.

Anonymous said...

That is so beautiful! I love it. (frantically looking up the pattern!)
The bigger the better, I say. More wrappy goodness.

Nana Sadie said...

LOLOL! it's lovely, and yes, I suspect he could get away with wearing it "in a pinch!"

Anonymous said...

Wow, that is really big! I hope you enjoy it!

Birdsong said...

You did such a wonderful job! I am amazed by how large it is, you really must be about Miriam's height and it doesn't look that big on her. You will so treasure this shawl. Be sure and email me with your address so I can send you a prize.

Debi said...

Your Hidcote is lovely Melanie! It even makes the BF look good :)

Sourire11 said...

WOW!!! That is beautiful!!!! I love how big it is...