Monday, January 29, 2007

Oh yeah, By the Way...

Not only did I win..but I won twice. Woot!
First. I totally thought Lauren had it in the bag for the Hidcote contest, seeing as she was the first to post a finished shawl. (24 hours before me). But she being the stand-up, noble person she is eliminated herself from prizes because she started early.
Now I don't know about you, but I am not sure I could be that magnanimous (big word I know..B suggested it..he's an English major.) Especially if the prize was of the fiber kind..and a free pattern from Mim. I would like to think I could be...but it would be darn hard to do.
So, yes, I won. When I get my prize yarn I will post about it. As far as a pattern go's (if I get a choice)..I think I will choose Seraphim. I have been eying that pattern for a while now. But I would be happy with any of her patterns..that lady has got some talent with the lace!

Second. The Heathen Housewife ran a little contest on her blog, and I was drawn for one of the prizes! Wowza's! Not only did I win..but I got my first choice from the spoils. She is sending me some hand-dyed sock yarn that she personally dyed herself.
Maybe I should go buy a lottery ticket before my luck runs out. =)

So in knitting news..I am SOOO close to finishing the Baby Blanket..but I just realized I have to do 12 more rows then what I originally thought...HMMPH! And the Peapod just got separated for the armholes. I still have hope though. However...

My mom is visiting from California, she just got here today. She's got lot's of people wanting her attention, (my sis and her family, and my other all the other friends she's made on her visits up here), but I get her tomorrow.
I am not sure what all we will be doing yet. The one thing I do know is what we are having for dinner. My mom brought me a pizza, (which she vacuum sealed and froze), from my ab-fab favorite place in the whole world Chicago Pasta. It's the reason why the word "pie" is used for pizza..yum!

1 comment:

Miriam said...

I was waiting on your e-mail address so I can send you the gift certificate for the free pattern? Do you want Seraphim for sure?